The Black Accessibility Knowledge (BLAcK) Hub

Welcome to Ase Community’s Virtual Black Accessibility Knowledge (BLAcK) Hub – Canada’s first ever all encompassing Black-centred accessibility hub!
The Black Accessibility Knowledge (BLAcK) Hub is a confidential, fully accessible, and free resource for Black people with disabilities of all ages, their families, caregivers and support networks. Black people with disabilities informed and designed the Hub to bridge the structural gaps and address systemic barriers in accessing Black-focused disability resources, services, and knowledge at the intersection of Blackness, disability and gender.
The BLAcK Hub has three searchable sections:
At Ase Community, we understand the unique challenges that we as Black people with disabilities encounter; including experiences of anti-Black racism, ableism, and gender discrimination. We are committed to creating access to safe spaces, culturally-relevant supports, and critical resources. Through the BLAcK Hub, we aim to foster a dynamic sense of community, facilitate knowledge sharing, and encourage connections across communities.
Service Directory: :free access to a diverse range of specialists, practitioners, providers, businesses, and community organizations who specialize in supporting the needs of Black people with disabilities.
Disability Resources: disability-related resources, toolkits, and websites. Build your understanding of all types of disabilities, access critical government financial resources, benefits, and grants, and manage your own disability accommodations and journey.
Knowledge Catalogue: research findings, policy papers, reports, conference proceedings, and educational materials that explore the intersection of Blackness, disability, and gender.
Navigating the BLAcK Hub
For help or to learn more about how to navigate the Hub, please send us an email at